

我不是挺立高山的巨松,也不是屈身斗室的盆景,而是辽阔草原上的一棵小草——为壮丽的山河添上一笑。我不是都市激越的乐章,也不是乡野休闲的短笛,而是茫茫大漠中的一串驼铃——为勇敢的跋涉者解除寂寞。Im not upright Mountain Giant pine, not flexion Xiaofang bonsai, but the vast grassland on the tree grass, magnificent mountains and rivers, add a smile. Im not from the city vigor of the movement, not the countryside leisure Piccolo, but the vast desert string of camel to brave the journey relieves loneliness.


山水层叠一江秋,最是回眸景依旧,人却已白头!莫道春游走,指尖豆蔻凝成华发眉间雪,一份淡定一份从容,一份无忧,就像茶,饮进甘冽,剩下那一缕清香在心口逗留。有过遗落,有过缺失,却从不曾让心魂失守,高傲的活,着就是风景里那动听的口哨被吹响,就是花开散香的最动情的执着相守,云影归舟。浅浅的一个回眸,你读懂了多少欲语还休?The landscape is the most stacked in a river in autumn, looking back at the scene remains the same, but has bald! Mo spring] do most Jiao Qi walk, fingertip cardamom cemented HUAFA glabella snow, a calm a calm, a worry free, like tea, drink into Ganlie, leaving a wisp of fragrance stay in the center of the chest. Had lost, missing, but never let fall of heart and soul, proud alive, is scenery in the beautiful whistle was blown, flowers scattered incense of the most emotional attachment to defend, cloud shadow horizon. A review of the shallow, you also understand how much?


生命永远是灿烂的花朵,爱是永恒的恋歌,你是我永远的恋人,许下美丽的诺言,定格在时光的千年,下个轮回与你相遇,我们再相爱,再谱一世的情缘,再唱一世的恋歌,爱永远行走你我的流年里,千年轮回,万年经传。Life is always a brilliant flowers, love is eternal love song, you are my forever lover, Xu beautiful promises, fixed in time for thousands of years, the next samsara and you meet, we fall in love again, with one of the worlds affinity, sing love song of life, love never walk you I flow years, thousands of years of reincarnation, thousands of years through the pass.


流年似水,岁月如歌,时间总在不经意间流逝。回忆亦随着时间的流动慢慢地遗忘了许多,那曾经熟悉的美丽容颜,也变得渐渐模糊。只剩下一些凋零的记忆,随风飘落成一地的斑驳,往昔繁华,以转变成一生落寞。生命就是一场又一场的聚与散,随着时钟的时针缓缓地走动着。Time went by., hours, the time is always in inadvertently passes. Memories with time flowing slowly forgotten, that once was familiar with the beautiful appearance, also gradually become blurred. Only a few withered memory, falling into a mottled, bustling past, to convert into a lonely life. Life is a gathering and scattered, with the clock walking slowly.


秋,是高高的蓝天,无一丝杂尘,任心飞翔;秋,是远方金灿灿的田野,稻谷飘香,纵收丰收的喜悦;秋,是映澈蓝天,北飞大雁,带去幸福的小溪;秋,是翩翩起舞,扇动金色翅膀的落叶。Autumn, is high in the sky, without a trace of mixed with dust, let the heart fly; autumn, is distant golden fields, rice fragrance, longitudinal received the joy of harvest; autumn, is Ying Che sky, north the geese flying, to bring happiness stream; autumn is a dancing, golden wings flapping leaves.


秋天的阳光,很暖情。金黄金黄的亮,是你细细的温柔,一遍遍地抚摸着,我的相思。开始想你。透过屏幕,吻着那些香嫩的文字,动情地想着念着……与水亲近,与花交谈。圆圆的月,是大朵大朵红红的玫瑰,开在你的枕边。夜色,丰满着你迷人的呓语。The autumn sun is very warm. Golden yellow is your light, thin tender, again and again touched my love. You want to start. Through the screen, and kissed the tender words, passionately thinking about a...... With water and flowers to talk. The month is round, the big red rose, open on your pillow. The night, full of your charming nonsense.


听水流觞,弦筝凝唱,繁花印染了江南水乡,抚琴一首,漫情谣,声声碾碎旧断桥。残色映水,白裙淑裳,步履曼轻,水榭荡漾,悠悠音色,十指穿扬,尘风佛过江南,蝶花醉沁心间,弹指音弦,发丝凌乱,眼眸流转,三千年。佛袖揽衣,琴音轻伴,桃花羽扇,翩翩悠然。待坐亭台,静赏胭脂水色。Listen to the rivers, condensate string Zheng sing, printing and dyeing flowers of Jiangnan, had a song, the ballad sound diffuse, crushing the old bridge. Residual color Ying water, white Qunshu couture, walking is man light, waterside rippling, leisurely timbre, ten refers to wear Yang, dust in the wind Buddha Jiangnan, butterfly drunk Qinxin, fillip a chord, messy hair, circulation of eyes, three thousand years. Embrace Buddha sleeve clothing, with light music, peach lupin, fluttering leisurely. To sit pavilions, enjoy the Rouge color.


暮色消殆后,淫浸在花香中的路灯也是那么的善解人意,幽幽地,默默地,极不情愿地吐出一丝弱的让人牵挂的气息,给花前月下的情人,一席低诉情语的宁静。Twilight consumer almost, kinky immersed in flowers in the street lamp is so understanding, faint, silently, reluctantly spit a little weak let people worry the breath, to Huaqianyuexia lover, a seat of the lawsuit feeling low language quiet.


搭乘着一袭风儿,奔赴爱情里最美的风月,姗姗多情的一路盛开,一路凋零,一切都是那么的自然,在晨光朦胧里似远似近,爱过,记得爱过,足以。昨天的过客,还可以留在回忆里,雨过天更蓝,月留星稀,划过的星点,是我许过的最美风月——爱情。Aboard the dressed in a wind, went to love the most beautiful romantic, sentimental Shanshan blooming, withered, everything is so natural, in the morning twilight seems like nearly, loved, remember that Ive loved enough. Yesterdays passing, you can also stay in our memories, more blue rain day, month to stay Xingxi, across the star is I promised the most beautiful romantic love.


炎炎夏日,正是蔬菜丰盈的季节。我常常到菜园里转悠,给菜除除草、捉捉虫,浇浇水,有时到黄瓜架下摘几条黄瓜亦或到豆角架下摘一盆豆角。吃着自己亲手种植的纯绿色无公害蔬菜,心里那个畅快劲儿就甭提了。Summer, is the abundance of seasonal vegetables. I often go to the wandering in the garden, to food weeding, catch catch insects, watering, sometimes to cucumber frame picking cucumbers or to of picking a pot of beans beans. Eating their personally planted pure green pollution-free vegetables, carefree heart that awkward jiubeng mention.


秋已至深,懵然间发觉,风已渲染了这个季节的浓意,见秋叶微黄,残叶翻飞,仿若那些已过的风景,在无数次洗礼的过程中,终化为磨痕。流年深远,心绪无限,走过的路,相遇过人,还有多少回忆尚在心里。当散落的枯黄滑至底层,我知道,季节的风景又沾惹起了一层层心情。This season in the autumn to deep, mengran found, the wind has been rendered the concentration of meaning, see the autumn leaves yellowish, CanYe whipped, imitate if those has scenery, in countless times baptism, the end of wear scar. When the mood is profound, infinite, through the road, meet people, and how much memory is still in my heart. When the scattered yellow slide to the bottom, I know, seasonal scenery and zhanre a layers of mood.


时间的笔尖,轻轻勾勒出让人措手不及的隔离带。当时光冲开我们紧握的双手时,叫做离别。我在一旁,细细聆听那一首撕心裂肺的离歌。时间冲淡了一切,却是冲不开我们紧握的双手。The nib gently outline isolation with the transferor be taken by surprise. When time can we hold hands, called parting. I watched carefully, listen to the song of songs from the heart. Time to dilute all, but do not open our hands tightly.


人生是需要等候的,等候一阵风的拂过,等候一朵花的盛开,等候梦中伊人的来到,等候生命爆发的强音。心灵是需要在等候中坚守的,坚守无风的日月,坚守落花的寂静,坚守情感的空白,坚守生活的平凡。有了等候,我们会无坚不摧,一定能够沐浴清风,笑看花开,情波荡漾,人生无悔。Life is to wait, waiting for a gust of wind blows over, waiting for a flower bloom, waiting for the dream of the Iraqis to, waiting for the burst of lifes forte. Mind is the need to stick in waiting and adhered to the calm of the sun and the moon, stick to the falling silent, stick to the emotion of blank, stick to the life of the ordinary. We will have to wait, invincible, must be able to laugh at the bath breeze, flowers, Love waves, life without regret.


今夜,在月儿的凝眸中,在风的呢喃里,拈一支素笔,心海走进了缘分的天空,心因了它的绝美而伴有微许的感动。一盏墨香,浅笔静开。一个“缘”字,像一场花开花谢,像一朵淡雅的花,绽放在心口,心,在随风起舞。如那眼前的花朵,开时娇艳,落时飘逸。Tonight, in gazing at the moon, in the whisper of wind, twist a element pen, into the fate of the sky, the heart because of its beautiful and accompanied by micro Xu moved. An ink pen, shallow static open. A "margin", like a flower, like a flower and elegant flowers, blooming in the heart, heart, in the wind dance. As the front of the flowers open, beautiful, elegant fall.


春寂无声,暗夜薄凉,文字的杯盏细水流长。墨香的独白,沉浸了太多的缱绻。一脉温情,氤氲了眼眸。断章残句,只为梦里的绿树春风,只为旧日的浪漫温存。站在文字的疏窗,情暖云水,无语凝噎,缄默成画。The spring of the silent night, thin cool, long thin flow cup text. Mexico monologue, too much love lost. A warm, dense eyes. Sentence fragments, only for the dream of the green spring, just as the old romance. Stand in the text window open, warm cloud water, Speechless choke, a silent.


拾起红尘里凋零的片片落红,绕指的柔情,那前世今生的缘分,在时光的掌纹里,沉淀成一首首落花的相思。流年里,是谁经不起岁月的尽染,忘记了缘起的牵拌;是谁轻盈的转身,让风景站成了两端。Pick up the red withered pieces of red fall, around the tenderness, the preexistence of fate, in the time of palmprint, settling into a flower song of Acacia. Fleeting, who cannot afford the time to make dye, forget the origin of pull mix; who light turn, landscape formed at both ends.


暗掩凄凉,单衣伫立。当沉寂的心事在阳光下被晒干后,其间所有的滋味都不容我刻缓,我不知道相遇后的缘分该怎样定恒,是不是让时间教会我坚强,或许,只是当年华休克的老去,彼此都留下最美的回味。The dark mask bleak, unlined stand. When the silence of the mind in the sun dried, during which all the taste are not my moment slow, I do not know after the meeting of fate how constant is not let time taught me to be strong, and maybe, just when the shock years old to each other have left the most beautiful aftertaste.


伸出双手,握一缕清风,融一抹优雅文字,把它们挽成生命的小花,别在发间,用流年的笔记下点滴的过往,记下铭心的春秋,把心刻在文字里来诠释人生……Stretched out his hands, holding a wisp of breeze, melting a touch of elegance to the text, they rolled into the life of the flowers, dont in hair, with notes of fleeting time past bit by bit, remember imprint of the spring and Autumn period, the heart engraved in the text to the interpretation of life...


一场绵绵的秋雨,演绎了一次美丽的邂逅;一顶淡蓝的花伞,拉近了彼此的距离;一抹善意的微笑,温暖了冷面的容颜。那一抹轻浅的微笑,是秋日灿烂的果实,用慰藉在失落的内心低语。再多绚烂的言语也只是一瞬间的光辉,但那一抹轻浅的微笑,铭刻在心中,那一抹温暖,即使风沙侵蚀,岁月雕刻,都永不淡忘。A continuous rain, the interpretation of a beautiful encounter; a hat with a blue flower umbrella, narrowing the distance from each other; a touch of white smile, warm cold face. That a little smile is bright autumn fruit, with comfort in the lost heart murmur. More splendid speech is just a moment of glory, but that a shallow smile, engraved in the heart, that a warm, even if the wind erosion, years of carving, never forget.


爱心是冬日里的一片阳光,使饥寒交迫的人分外感到人间的温暖。爱心是沙漠中的一泓泉水,使濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望。爱心是夜空中的一轮明月,使孤苦无依的人即刻获得心灵的慰藉。Love is a piece of sunshine in winter, make people suffer hunger and cold especially the warmth of human feeling. Love is a spring in the desert, so desperate for people to see the hope of life. Love is a bright moon in the night sky, so that people who have no immediate access to comfort the soul.


江水奔流不息,倾诉的是自己澎湃的波涛;树木傲雪参天,挺拔的是自己无边的苍翠;山岭巍峨起伏,显示的是自己坚强的体魄;草原纵横千里,袒露的是自己宽广的胸怀;人类拦江筑坝,展现的是自己豪迈的气魄。River torrents, talk to their surging waves, towering trees Aoxue, tall and straight is his boundless green; mountains towering downs, the display is his strong physique; grassland aspect thousands of miles, bare is their own broad mind; human dam up the river, shows his heroic spirit.


路灯下的雨,千丝万线,拨也拨不开,挡也挡不住地下着。葱茏的柚子树开花了,浓郁的花香合着湿润的空气塞满了我的心田,片片树叶浮起缕缕流光。我踩着自己瘦长瘦长的孤影,走在回家的路上,一味地忘情地看着这无声而心受的雨,吮吸着弥漫在雨中的花香。Under the rain, thousands of wires, the dial is not open, block also can not stop the underground. The grapefruit tree verdant flowering, fragrance with moist air filled my heart, the piece of the leaves floating up strands of streamer. I stepped on his lanky guying, walking in the way home, blindly immersed at the silent heart by rain, sucking fills in the fragrance of a flower in the rain.


享受寂寞,去广阔的天空感受大自然的气息,云白风清,川行石立!享受寂寞,因为寂寞让生命如此美丽!光阴似水,流年暗度。岁月如梭,光阴似箭,在青涩的旧时光里,聆听岁月,轻拢慢捻那些曾经遗落在指尖的旧时光。回望那些印在最美流年里的深深浅浅的生命的不灭痕迹。Enjoy loneliness, to the vast sky, feel the breath of nature, white clouds Fengqing, Sichuan Shi li! Enjoy the loneliness, because loneliness makes life so beautiful! Time like water, fleeting darkness. Time flies, time flies, in the sentimental old days, listening to the years, light approach slow twist who had lost in the fingertips of old days. Looking back on those printed in the most beautiful years of deep and shallow life immortal trace.


人生之路,无论走过了多少坎坷,有懂得的日子,便会有花,有蝶,处处有阳光。有一种幸福叫守候;有一种境界叫舍得;有一种心态叫放下;有一种智慧叫低调;有一种明白叫糊涂;有一种快乐叫简单;有一种美德叫微笑;有一种幸福叫珍惜;有一种美丽叫自信;有一种感动叫分享!The road of life, no matter how many obstacles, know the day, will have flowers, butterfly, sunny. Have a happy call waiting; a realm called willing; there is a state of mind that put down; there is a kind of wisdom is low-key, there is a clear called stupid; there is a kind of happiness is simple; there is a virtue that smile; there is a kind of happiness is to cherish; there is a beautiful name confidence; have a dynamic call to share!
