1. Efforts to create --

Pieces are equally beautiful as the teaching situation

The same as the strings of live teaching methods

Tight like a bow, like the teaching part of

The same as the sheet music out of the instructional design

The same passion as the performer of teachers

To play the song --

Relaxed, progressive, harmonious and happy classroom Song

2. Do not fail to find reasons to think of a way for the success;

As long as the courage to experiment, there will be hope of success.

3. Right close by the podium, when the broadcast of the true meaning of life; three-inch soft tongue can be great beauty of heaven and earth pass.








2. 不要为失败找理由,要为成功想办法;


3. 咫尺讲台,当播人生之真谛;三寸柔舌,可传天地之大美。

4.s Attitude and progress together with the students.

5. Education, the world needs tolerance, the child will be self-tolerance;

Education in the sky, requires an honest, children will be sincere demure;

Education, soul, needs the sun, the children will be warm and bright.

6. Serve as role models, sincerity, patience and love.

7. Education is the key habits, habits dominate life.

8. Let the children learn to inspire self-confidence, learn to appreciate the praise.

9. With my love for your way of life laid the foundation stone

With your actions create value for our society 4. 摆正心态,与学生一同进步。

5. 教育的世界,需要包容,孩子便会自信宽容;


