一、 愿快乐每一天,健康常相伴!

二、 新年到,欢乐到,幸福追你跑。

三、 温情心中藏,朋友之间莫相忘。

四、 祝你新年快乐,幸福永远围绕!

五、 祝你财源滚滚来,一路旺到底。

六、 祝公司业绩再创创奇,财源广进!

七、 祝家人牛年万事顺意,平安幸福!

八、 新年祝福最灵验,看过之后笑开颜。

九、 去年你还小,我不忍心跟你谈恋爱。

十、 烟花爆竹辞旧年,亲朋好友贺新篇。

十一、 新年祝福送到手,吉祥如意全都有!

十二、 祝你好运连成串,喜上眉梢又一年!


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十三、 撷取温暖的阳光,开始牛年的吉祥。

十四、 愿君更添一杯酒,牛年事业更兴旺。

十五、 愿今年所有的遗憾,都是明年惊喜。

十六、 喜连连,乐翩翩,幸福陪在你身边。

十七、 鞭炮响起旧岁辞,万家灯火吉祥耀。

十八、 去岁千般皆如意,今年万事定称心。

十九、 祝您新年多快乐,新年逍遥胜神仙!

二十、 辞旧迎新鞭炮鸣,华夏大地欢笑乐!

二十一、 祝你大年喜乐唱,愿你健康幸福长!

二十二、 烦事旧尘一扫光,携上快乐向前进。


二十三、 将热闹的对联递上,愿您美满如寓意。

二十四、 愿幸福永远伴随你,好运永远跟随你!

二十五、 不负光阴不负自己,不负所爱不负被爱。

二十六、 愿你新年心情好,万事顺利,家庭美满!

二十七、 生活美满,事事顺心,快乐逍遥新一年。

二十八、 新年到了,祝你乐观向上,勇当幸福先锋!

二十九、 睡个懒觉,疲倦甩掉,愿悠闲与你共奔跑。

三十、 祝福随风来,愿你新年新气象,越过越精彩!

三十一、 愿鞭炮燃放我的心愿,让你欢乐喜事连连连。

三十二、 祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。


三十三、 希望2021过的五颜六色,而不是乱七八糟。

三十四、 愿我的思念化作真挚的祝福,祝愿你新年快乐!

三十五、 愿你们在新年中开开心心,快快乐乐,平平安安。

三十六、 缘份是长长久久的相聚,朋友是生生世世的牵挂。

三十七、 愿你所有的好运都能预算,所有的付出都能兑现!

三十八、 祝愿开心无烦恼,好运跟着跑,青春常驻不会老。

三十九、 祝各位红红火火,顺顺利利,大吉大利,财运滚滚!

四十、 祝你新年夜开心,好运永远,日子红火,幸福永远!


四十一、 在新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。

四十二、 吉祥如意身旁绕,爱情事业皆欢笑。愿你新年快乐。

四十三、 预祝你新年快乐,万事如意,财运滚滚,一生平安!

四十四、 时间可以冲淡很多东西,却不能冲淡我对你的思念。

四十五、 新年到了,祝您在新的一年里,万事如意、阖家平安。

四十六、 你好,2021!愿新的一年,所有美好,皆为序章。

四十七、 请接受我对你和家人最美好的祝愿,祝你们新年快乐。

四十八、 往后的日子是全新的,未知的,我们都不要再回头看了。

四十九、 加油!为驾照奋斗路上的学员们,新的一年,踏上征途。

五十、 亲爱的朋友,祝你新年笑开花,日子美如花,幸福绽开花!


五十一、 送你一份发财福祝你:财运滚滚来!钱包鼓鼓的!财富多多的!

五十二、 送上发财鱼一条,祝你年年发财,年年有余,招财进宝庆新年。

五十三、 新年的钟声就要响起,愿这吉祥的钟声能为您及家人带来平安!

五十四、 所有晦暗都留给过往,祝你平安健康,从此凛冬散尽,星河长明。

五十五、 新年来临,衷心祝你新年愉快,身体康健,心想事成,万事如意。

五十六、 新年新气象,新年新起点,愿你在新的一年里收获满满,快乐连连。

五十七、 Hope 2021 is colorful, not messy.

五十八、 Wish you the best in the New Year!

五十九、 愿每一年都能奔走在自己的热爱里,平平静静,偶尔惊喜2021新年快乐。

六十、 那些和你在一起的日子,连空气都是甜的!亲爱的,2021牛年新年快乐!


六十一、 已经过去,2021从头再来!愿2021的你,风雨不畏惧,永远有底气!

六十二、 I wish you and your family good health.

六十三、 I wish you good luck and happy New Year!

六十四、 Warm heart hidden, friends do not forget.

六十五、 Joy, joy pianpianpian, happiness with you.

六十六、 My dear friend, I wish you a happy new year!

六十七、 Wish happy every day, health often accompany!

六十八、 New years blessing to hand, good luck all have!

六十九、 I wish you a happy, happy and peaceful new year.

七十、 New year to, joy to, happiness to run after you.


七十一、 Happy life, everything goes well, happy new year.

七十二、 Sleep in, get rid of tiredness, and run with you.

七十三、 I wish you prosperity, good luck and good fortune!

七十四、 Wish you all good luck can budget, all pay can cash!

七十五、 Best wishes for the new year. Smile after reading it.

七十六、 Hand over the lively couplets and wish you happiness.

七十七、 Live up to time, to yourself, to love and to be loved.

七十八、 The future is new and unknown. We should not look back.

七十九、 May all the regrets of this year be surprises next year.

八十、 I wish you happy new year, wish you health and happiness!


八十一、 Hello, 2021! May the New Year be a prelude to all good things.

八十二、 May firecrackers set off my wish and make you happy and happy.

八十三、 May happiness always be with you and good luck always with you!

八十四、 Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy new year.

八十五、 The new year is coming. I wish you all the best in the new year.

八十六、 Pick up the warm sunshine and start the auspicious year of the ox.

八十七、 I wish you a happy new year and happiness will always surround you!

八十八、 I wish you all the best, peace and happiness in the year of the ox!

八十九、 I wish you a cup of wine to make the year of the ox more prosperous.

九十、 I cant bear to fall in love with you since you were young last year.


九十一、 Everything went well last year, but this year everything will be fine.

九十二、 May my thoughts turn into sincere wishes and wish you a happy New Year!

九十三、 Please accept my best wishes to you and your family for a happy new year.

九十四、 Send you a fortune wish you: Fortune rolling! The purse is bulging! Rich!

九十五、 Those days with you, even the air is sweet! Dear, happy new year in 2021!

九十六、 In the new year, we can open up new hope and new blank to carry new dreams.

九十七、 The old dust of vexation is swept away, and the happiness is carried forward.

九十八、 I wish you a happy new year, all the best, good fortune and peace in your life!

九十九、 Farewell to the old and welcome the new firecrackers, the land of China is happy!

一百、 Wish you a good mood in the new year, everything goes well and your family is happy!


百、 Fireworks farewell to the old year, friends and relatives celebrate the new chapter.

百、 I wish you happy New Years Eve, good luck forever, prosperous days, happiness forever!

百、 is over, 2021 is over! May 2021 you, wind and rain do not fear, always have confidence!

百、 New year, new year, new starting point, I wish you in the new year harvest full, happy.

百、 Fate is a long time to get together, friends are concerned about life after generation.

百、 I wish you happiness without worry, good luck with you, and your youth will never grow old.

百、 The new year is coming, I wish you to be optimistic and brave to be the pioneer of happiness!

百、 come on. For the drivers license struggle on the road, the new year, embarked on the journey.

百、 Firecrackers ring the old years farewell, the lights of all families are shining auspiciously.

百、 I wish the companys performance to create a new one, and the source of wealth will be expanded!


百、 May every year be able to run in their own love, quiet, occasionally surprise 2021 happy new year.

百、 Good luck and good luck are around us, and love and career are all laughing. Happy new year to you.

百、 The bell of the new year is about to ring. May this auspicious bell bring peace to you and your family!

百、 Id like to send you a fortune fish. I wish you a fortune every year. I hope you can get rich every year.

百、 With the coming of the new year, I sincerely wish you a happy new year, good health, success and all the best.

百、 All the gloom is left to the past. I wish you peace and health. From now on, the winter is over and the Star River is bright.

