一、 is on the way.

二、 happy every day!

三、 hard life,

四、 good love,

五、 calm down,

六、 beautiful,

七、 warm place,

八、 smile open,

九、 珍惜你所拥有的,因为有些人永远都没有。

十、 want to have,

十一、 to be a warm person.

十二、 precipitation,


十三、 can not be released.

十四、 亲情是世间最无私的爱,它没有任何条件和代价。

十五、 worry also a day,

十六、 never is the age,

十七、 no eternal winter,

十八、 only to love life,

十九、 but our mentality,

二十、 与其向往别人的生活,不如努力让自己的生活更加精彩。


二十一、 the time to let go,

二十二、 the wind dispersed,

二十三、 everything will pass,

二十四、 no matter how life is,

二十五、 let a person grow old,

二十六、 waiting for the light,

二十七、 live up to the present,

二十八、 I wish you and cherish,

二十九、 if the heart to the sun,

三十、 afraid of the heart of the old.


三十一、 but everything will come again.

三十二、 can redeem oneself truly,

三十三、 with the fate of the free,

三十四、 any irritability will leave you.

三十五、 the future is not welcome,

三十六、 positive and balanced mentality.

三十七、 without relying on anyones light.

三十八、 is not the time that flows,

三十九、 fearless of sadness. Good morning!

四十、 but still to sing high into,


四十一、 who has no story in the mind,

四十二、 but nothing can stop a strong heart.

四十三、 please be happy in the future,

四十四、 put the secret into the heart,

四十五、 indifferent to fame and wealth,

四十六、 steps firmly into the distance,

四十七、 also is not the help of others,

四十八、 life will be full of sunshine and hope.

四十九、 you will not worry about the past,

五十、 there is hope in the heart of the people.


五十一、 but only smile for the rest of your life.

五十二、 live a happy-go-lucky life. Regret,

五十三、 you dont have to worry about at all,

五十四、 no matter what you are going through,

五十五、 just learned to control. From now on,

五十六、 happy also a day; When things go wrong,

五十七、 wish we can become a light in the eyes,

五十八、 because its bound to come and its bound to go.

五十九、 not afraid of the vicissitudes of the face,

六十、 only you yourself. Please dont stay up late,


(小美整理发布 wWW.MEIpaIxiu.cOM 美拍秀官网)

六十一、 dont forget to smile. May you be your own sun,

六十二、 to believe that there is no obstacle is not to pass.

六十三、 believe that the years can give you those good,

六十四、 people are comfortable and their hearts are comfortable.

六十五、 not too busy tired; Want to eat dont feel expensive,

六十六、 the rest of life will not be settled. Before the road,

六十七、 其实,让人变老的,从来都不是年纪,而是我们的心态,愿我们都能成为一个眼里有光芒,心里有期待的人。In fact,

六十八、 although there are roses and thorns on the road to growth,

六十九、 dont live up to the good times. There is no eternal night,

七十、 want to wear dont say waste; Upset to find a friend party,


七十一、 你害怕发生的事情,其实根本不用担心,因为它一定会如期而至,也一定会如期离去。What youre afraid of,

七十二、 把情绪克制下来,把心情平静下来,把秘密收进心里,把微笑打开,要相信,没什么坎是过不去的。Put the mood down,

七十三、 sleepy fall asleep. Peace of mind is always the most beautiful,

七十四、 放下苦痛,才能沐浴阳光。生命不能、也不必承受太多的忧伤和痛苦,该放手时就放手,该微笑时就微笑。Put down the pain,

七十五、 everything will become very beautiful; As long as the mind is open,

七十六、 stay in the bottom of my heart. To the heart of a meter of sunshine,

七十七、 pain without words is a kind of accomplishment. The past is not love,

七十八、 只要心情美丽,任何事情都会变得很美好;只要心境开阔,任何烦躁都会离你远去。As long as the mood is beautiful,

七十九、 日出东海落西山,愁也一天,喜也一天;遇事不钻牛角尖,人也舒坦,心也舒坦。Sunrise east sea fall west mountain,

八十、 happiness often exists. The tree wants to be still but the wind not only,


八十一、 往事不回头,余生不将就。前路迢迢,愿你且行且珍惜,随缘随自在,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀。The past does not look back,

八十二、 心态安好,则幸福常存。树欲静而风不止,能真正救赎自己的,不是流淌的时间,也不是他人的帮助,而是自我良好的心态。A good state of mind,

八十三、 to bathe in the sun. Life can not and need not bear too much sadness and pain,

八十四、 你的心里原本住着太阳,只是不知何时蒙上了乌云。你要对生活充满相信,坚守自己的阳光。早安!Your heart used to live in the sun,

八十五、 hang in there and you will see yourself at your strongest. Keep the original mind,

八十六、 做一个内心明朗的人,脚步坚定地迈向远方,努力的生活,好好的爱,相信岁月能够给你的那些美好,正在来的路上。Be a clear heart of the people,

八十七、 用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。遗憾,随风散去,美好,留在心底。给心灵一米阳光,温暖安放,心若向阳,无畏悲伤。早安!With a willing attitude,

八十八、 生活虽然一地鸡毛,但是依然要欢歌高进,成长之路虽然有玫瑰有荆棘,但什么都不能阻挡坚强的心。Although the life of a chicken feather,

八十九、 不要活得太累,不要忙的太疲惫;想吃了不要嫌贵,想穿了不要说浪费;心烦了找朋友聚会,瞌睡了倒头就睡。心态平和永远最美,天天快乐才对!Dont live too tired,

九十、 笑而不语是一种豁达,痛而不言是一种修养。过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。Smiling without a word is a kind of open-minded,


九十一、 but I do not know when the clouds. You have to believe in life and keep your sunshine. Good morning!

九十二、 even a little cruel. You cant decide whether your next journey will be a good one or a bad one,

九十三、 没有谁能左右你的情绪,只有你自己不放过自己。请你不要再熬夜了,谁心里没有故事,只是学会了控制。愿从今往后的你,不为往事扰,余生只愿笑。No one can control your mood,

九十四、 对回不去的时光说再见,以后的日子请快乐一点,无论生活怎样,都不要忘记微笑。愿你成为自己的太阳,无需凭借谁的光。Say goodbye to the time you cant go back,

九十五、 这个世界并不完美,甚至有点残酷。你无法决定下一段旅途遇见的是好事还是坏事,可你能决定面对它们的态度。你看这个世界的角度,决定了这个世界给你的温度。The world is not perfect,

九十六、 knowing the path you want to take and the life you want to live. Life is a state of mind. When you,

九十七、 好好去爱,去生活。每天的太阳都是新的,不要辜负了美好的时光。没有永恒的夜晚,没有永恒的冬天,一切都会过去,但一切也都会重来。Love and live. Every day the sun is new,

九十八、 but you can decide how you will react to them. The way you look at the world determines the temperature it gives you.

九十九、 生活本来就是鲜花和荆棘并存。无论你是谁,无论你正在经历什么,坚持住,你定会看见最坚强的自己。守得初心,等待光明,沉淀后,去做一个温暖的人。Life is all about flowers and thorns. No matter who you are,

一百、 快乐源于对于生命的热爱。一切痛苦和磨难都已经成为过去,只有对生命充满热爱,生活才会充满阳光和希望。Happiness comes from the love of life. All the pain and suffering has become the past,

百、 心态不好,人生易老。有什么样的心,你就是什么样的人。人,不怕容颜沧桑,就怕心的苍老。A bad attitude makes a man old. You are the kind of person who has the kind of heart. People,

