001. or met you.

002. 即使黑夜再长,黎明总会到来。

003. One word,

004. Your past,

005. just to meet you.

006. I like you,

007. do not know,

008. but your cute face.

009. Hope one day,

010. you are sick,

011. I am a layman,

012. the best time began.

013. 我喜欢你,像地震来袭,一波未平余波又起。

014. you are the way home.

015. I am the stars,

016. the heart read,

017. wind in autumn,

018. rain in summer,

019. you say: "there I am!

020. not "together",

021. 烂熟于心的不只是你的名字,还有你可爱的样子。

022. You are my hero,

023. only in you here,

024. 时间可以冲淡很多东西,却不能冲淡我对你的思念。

025. 你的过去,我来不及参与。你的未来,我奉陪到底。

026. Before I met you,

027. not "I love you",

028. you are the first,

029. 时间会带走许多事情,唯有真挚的感情才会永远存在。

030. 遇见你之前,我沉迷过往;遇见你之后,我盘算余生。

031. everyone mediocre,

032. you are the world,

033. 真正的爱情需要培养,它需要付出时间、耐心和努力。

034. ink under the name,

035. sunshine in winter,

036. 我不想做你生命中的插曲,只想做你生命中最完美的结局。

037. How much I like you,

038. but from preference,

039. The night I met you,

040. 我是个俗人,望山便是山,望海便是海,望你却挪不开眼。

041. I love the universe,

042. I knew I was in your hands.

043. the sole of your road dust.

044. but the most charming,

045. I will accompany to the end.

046. 你是全宇宙最可爱的小星星,我爱了整个宇宙,只为与你碰头。

047. everything is floating,

048. the world is uncertain,

049. 愿你生命中的每个春夏秋冬,都有对你深深爱过的人陪伴在身旁。

050. because at that moment,

051. like the earthquake hit,

052. I have not loved others,

053. let you think love is just so.

054. a wave of the aftermath and up.

055. 当我发现自己没事也很想叫叫你时,我就知道自己彻底栽在你手里了。

056. I want to be your horizon,

057. The stars are boiling hot,

058. because after meeting you,

059. just like you are the moon,

060. 我没爱过别人,你是第一个,我怕我做的不好,让你觉得爱情也不过如此。

061. I will be unreservedly surrender.

062. the stars in the sky just for you.

063. 你总说时间过得很快,我不喜欢你这样说,因为我还想跟你在一起好久好久。

064. the stars outside the window,

065. I am afraid I do not do well,

066. 我一点都不遗憾没有在最好的时光遇见你,因为遇见你之后最好的时光才开始。

067. 你走向我,我觉得一日不见如隔三秋。你朝我笑,你又觉得三秋未见不过一日。

068. You have spring in your eyes,

069. There will be snow in spring,

070. I thought about the rest of my life.

071. 我希望我跟你的名字能写在一起,不管是在婚礼的喜帖上,还是在葬礼的墓碑上。

072. looking at the sea is the sea,

073. you are the stars of the world,

074. you are the ideal of the world,

075. but in my most vulnerable time,

076. 最真实的安全感不是来自于爱,而是偏爱,只有在你这里,我才会毫无保留地缴械投降。

077. 我有多喜欢你,可能我自己都描述不出来,就像你是月亮,我是星星,满天星河只为你。

078. you are the brightest star in my heart.

079. I may not be able to describe out,

080. let you heart read only one person,

081. 你眼里有春风,胜过我见过的一切山川河流,我不舍得扔每一双旧鞋,鞋底有你家路上的尘土。

082. 我想做你的天边月,窗外星,墨下名,心中念,让你心心念念唯我一人,最后我想做你的余生。

083. looking at you but can not open their eyes.

084. finally I want to do the rest of your life.

085. 遇见你的那个夜晚,天上的星星仿佛霎时都黯淡下来,因为那一刻起,你是我心中那颗最亮的星。

(读好句子,如饮美酒 WwW.mEIPaiXIu.cOm 美拍秀网)

086. The truest security is not from love,

087. The most beautiful words in the world,

088. I too late to participate. Your future,

089. 世界上最动听的情话,不是“我爱你”,不是“在一起”,而是在我最脆弱的时候,你说:“有我在!”

090. looking at the mountain is the mountain,

091. 希望有一天,你生病了,为你输液打针的是我!在你身边为你熬粥的人也是我!陪你笑看风景的依然是我。

092. 春天会下雪,夏天有大雨,秋天会起风,冬天有艳阳,一年四季会有很多意外,但最迷人的,还是遇见了你。

093. 星河滚烫,你是人间理想,世事无常,你是人间琳琅,众人平庸,你是人间星光,万事浮沉,你是人间归途。

094. do not know the habitat. Dont know the knot,

095. Its not just your name that I know by heart,

096. I dont want to do the interlude in your life,

097. I was obsessed with the past; After I met you,

098. just want to do the most perfect ending in your life.

099. I feel like three years apart. You smile at me,

100. there will be many accidents throughout the year,

101. I am not willing to throw every pair of old shoes,

102. You are the most lovely little star in the universe,

103. then I will be for you to cover the quilt of the children.

104. the stars in the sky seem all of a sudden dark down,

105. more than I have ever seen the mountains and rivers,

106. 情之一字,不知所起,不知所栖。不知所结,不知所解。不知所踪,不知所终。不知你所知,我不知所止。——烽火戏诸侯《雪中悍刀行》

107. When I found myself wanting to call you when I was free,

108. and you feel like you havent seen each other for more than one day.

109. I dont know where to stop. -- drama of vassals "fierce dao in the snow"
