

如果不曾与你邂逅相逢,怎会幻想有一天长成你窗台那一株幽兰,与你朝相依,暮相伴?如果不曾与你爱在四月,怎会幻想那一缕兰香会凝成锥心刺骨相思和爱恋?如果不曾与你心灵互通,怎会期翼自己是你书案间翻飞的蝴蝶,与你情翩跹,意翩跹?If you dont have and how will encounter, dream of the day as you sill the orchids, and you move on with twilight? If you dont have love with you in April, how will the illusion that a wisp of orchid congeals into piercing love and love? If you dont have your heart and exchange, how will you respond to his wing is among the butterflies, and you love fantasy, fantasy Italy?


时光之水,漫过心河。深秋,一纸墨痕,落下馨香文字,婉转了思绪。生命里,与蒹葭相关的故事相遇,与一份情怀相撞,感知着生命从青葱岁月到枯黄的生命写意,感知着一种古老的爱情之美,体味着风雨意境里的蒹葭之思。立于水之畔,仿佛触摸到风雨中的那些念,在尘间挥洒,在湖畔深处蒹葭摇曳的姿态里,美丽着,吟唱着。The time of water, diffuse heart river. In a paper, ink marks, falling sweet words, sweet thoughts. In life, Jianjia related stories meet, collided with a feeling, a sense of life from the green years to Browns life freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, aware of the a love of ancient beauty, appreciate the wind and rain the mood in the Jianjiazhisi. Stand on the banks of the water, as if to touch to the wind and rain in that thought. In the dust between sway, in Lake depths of reeds swaying posture, beautiful, sing.


细数人生的过往,都是一部属于自己不朽的传奇,伸出双手,握一缕清风,融一抹优雅文字,把它们挽成生命的小花,别在发间,用流年的笔记下点滴的过往,记下铭心的春秋,把心刻在文字里来诠释人生的内涵。Count your life in the past, are a belong to his immortal legend, stretched out his hands, holding a wisp of breeze, melting a touch of elegance to the text, they rolled into the life of the flowers, dont in hair, with notes of fleeting time past bit by bit, remember imprint of the spring and Autumn period, the heart engraved in the text to the interpretation of life connotation.


有一种爱,厚烈如酒,荡气回肠融融于胸,那是超越了血缘的相逢。有一种情,凄婉美丽,诀窍秋水如幻如梦,那是跨越了因果的牵动。摇晃所有记忆,数捻相处历程,也许今世有爱却无爱,也许今世有情却无情。一生能有几份情,问遍千世百代,有谁说得清?似乎只有:一人,一梦,一激灵。There is a love, thick and strong like wine, very touching warmth in the chest, it is beyond the blood meet. There is a feeling sad, beautiful, dreamy eyes trick like dream, that is affecting the span of cause and effect. Shake all the memory, the number of twist along the course, perhaps in this world there is love but love, maybe this world love mercilessly. Life can have a few feeling, asked thousands of the world EMI, who can say? It seems that only one person: a dream, wake up.


闻到春的花香了,还有青草的气息,泥土的腥味,我要起立,立即行动,把自己种在春天里。生根,抽芽,拔节,生长,开成一树繁花,一首诗,艳艳的,冷冷的。娉婷着,不为谁,只为这个春天。Smell the fragrance of a flower in spring, and grass smell, the smell of the earth, I should stand up and take immediate action to grow their own in the spring. Take root, sprout, jointing, grow into a tree flowers, a poem, bright, cold. And, no one, only for the spring.


时光,温婉而清寂,天空飘过大朵的白云,那是心素静的影子。风过,一帘小草淡淡的清香沁人心脾,抬头,伸手,采撷一缕芬芳入墨,春的明媚便婉约在我的文字中。仔细聆听,心语的呢喃,是谁,在春天的诗句中,书写着初相遇的欣喜?是谁在春天的画卷中,将生机盎然的美好描绘?Time, gentle and quiet, the sky by large clouds of flowers, the heart was quiet and shadow. Wind, a curtain of grass light refreshing fragrance, look up, stretched out his hand and pick a wisp of fragrance into ink, bright spring and graceful in my words. Listen, who is Xinyu, twitter, in the spring in the poem, written at the beginning of the joy of meeting? Who is in the spring of the picture, the vitality of the beautiful picture?


今生缘,来生缘,沧海桑田,成流年。古老的剑,斩断了宿怨,唤醒了谁的誓言。转瞬之间,隔世的爱恋,追忆往日缱绻。情难却,情相牵,只羡鸳鸯不羡仙。This life margin, afterlife margin, changes into the fleeting time. Ancient sword, cut off the feud, who vowed to wake up. In a wink, from love, in remembrance of past. But the situation is difficult, the feeling is holding, not only Yuanyang xian.


风起云淡,舒卷月空的美,静静的聆听,大地最唯美的声音,静静的书写,心底最深的眷恋。看着字里行间总流泻的愁绪,有种朦胧的感觉,曾多次被问,为何文字间总带着一股淡淡的忧,安静的深思后,总回答我本带忧,何谓本忧,其实我也不懂,在年轮不断转动的日日月月,我只想着说些什么,留下些什么,但那贫瘠的文字,那生硬的段落,留下就只有人们所说的多愁善感。The wind light cloud, swirling in the month empty beauty, quietly listening, the earth the most beautiful voice, quietly writing, the deepest attachment. The melancholy look at reading between the lines, always pouring, hazy feeling, has repeatedly been asked, why text with a stream of light sorrow, quiet deliberation, answer me with sorrow, what is meant by this sorrow, in fact, I do not know how, ring rotates unceasingly day and month, I just want to said what, leave something, but that barren words, paragraphs of the stiff, leaving only what people say sentimental.


春姑娘迈着轻盈的步履款款而行。她携着神奇的小花篮,把五彩的鲜花撒向山坡,撒向田野;她伴着浙沥的小雨点,把美丽的故事讲给鱼儿,讲给青蛙。她跟着山间的小溪流,把婉转的歌儿唱给青山,唱给牧童。她带着归来的小燕子,把春天的喜讯传遍山村,传遍农家。Spring girl walked with light steps walk slowly. She took the magic small basket, the colorful flowers scattered to the mountain, and accompanied her to the field; Zhejiang Leks rain, the beautiful story to fish, to the frog. She followed the mountain stream, the melodious song to sing to the castle. She took back the little swallow, the spring of the good news spread throughout the village, farmhouse.


秋天,是多姿多彩的。静美的秋,含韵婉约;丰韵的秋,欢颜愉悦;深邃的秋,遐想无限;高远的秋,博大浩渺。也许,秋天少了几分欣欣向荣,多了几分硕果累累;也许,秋天少了几分五彩缤纷,多了几分深沉厚重;也许,秋天少了几分生机勃勃,多了几分敦实干练,但秋天的辽阔与静美,是任何季节都无法比拟的。Autumn, is colorful. The quiet beauty of autumn, with subtle rhyme; charming autumn, pleasant smile; deep autumn, unlimited reverie; lofty autumn, broad boundless. Perhaps fall somewhat less prosperous, more somewhat fruitful; perhaps, fall less colorful somewhat, somewhat thick and deep; perhaps, fall less vibrant somewhat, somewhat stocky capable, but autumn vast and static beauty, is unmatched in any season.


若给你一块木头,你可以去选择慢慢腐烂,也可以选择熊熊燃烧;曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,舍弃更难。人生,其实就是不断地面对,不断的选择,不断的放弃。人生,只能越来越简单。If you give you a piece of wood, you can choose to slowly decay, you can choose the burning; once thought, it is not easy to have, and later to know, it is difficult to give up. Life, in fact, is constantly facing, continuous choice, and constantly give up. Life, only more and more simple.


坐落尘世的繁华,幽眉清黛,任花开花谢,柳青枫红,素雪潸然,流年暗换,终不慌不忙,宠辱不惊,淡看风月,轻执流光,静默安然。你的前世邂逅我的忧伤,那场风花雪月太匆忙,柳腕微掠,来不及拂拭我清眸里凝楚的幽凉,已然擦肩,错过,再觅,千难,执执地等待,涉世辗转,几度斜阑,沉寂的情缘终踏世而来。Earth is located in the bustling, secluded eyebrow Qing Dai, Ren Huakaihuaxie, Liu Qingfeng red, snow shanran, fleeting dark change, end calmly, Chongrubujing, Dankan Temptress Moon, light enforcement streamer, quiet Enron. Your previous encounter my sadness, the romantic too hastily, Liu wrist micro grazing, too late to wipe off I eyes Ning Chus quiet and cool, already rub shoulders, miss, and then seek, thousands of difficult, hold hold wait for, sheshi was removed, a few degrees oblique railing, silent romance finally set foot in the world and to.


八月的城,盛夏褪去,秋树下的叶子,孤零零的落去。灰蓝色的天空,一场雨将至未至,渐渐的我们遗忘了阳光的味道,天空也似乎沧桑的有些清冷。不知何时开始,习惯了与文字为伴,把落日余晖,定格在苍白的素笺上;也记不清从何时开始,喜欢上了独自仰望天空的感觉,把风轻云淡,收揽在秋的城堡里。In August, the city, the summer faded, autumn leaves under the tree, the lonely fall. The gray blue sky, rain is approaching unreached, gradually forgotten by us the flavor of the sun, the sky seems to the vicissitudes of some chilly. I do not know when to start, used as partners with the text, the sunset afterglow, fixed in the pale Sujian; also can not remember clearly when to start, like the alone looking up at the sky, feeling the Fengqing thin clouds and in the autumn of the castle.


一生入戏,戏如人生。你叹浮世清欢,许我一世心安。我叹你痴人说梦,不过烟花一瞬。戏子之情何处安放,每每朱砂描摹,终究无言,谁又能识的粉墨后的泪水真假。终究不过是在别人的故事,留着自己的泪罢诶。Life into the drama, drama is like life. You sigh Ukiyo-e Qing Huan, make me I feel. I sigh you tell some fantastic tales, but fireworks moment. Actors love where, often depict eventually speechless, cinnabar, who can know the true and false tears after crushing. It is only in the story of others, keep their own tears. ".


遇水舍己,而成茶饮,是为布施;叶蕴茶香,犹如戒香,是为持戒;忍蒸炒酵,受挤压揉,是为忍辱;除懒去惰,醒神益思,是为精进;和敬清寂,茶味一如,是为禅定;行方便法,济人无数,是为智慧。禅茶一味。茶心佛心,何异何殊?与友聊药案,愈不淡定。品茶,以静吾心。Encounter water to deny himself, and tea is charity; Yun tea leaves, like a ring of incense, precepts; endure cooking fermentation, by extrusion kneading is patience; in addition to lazy to idle, Xingshen Yisi is sophisticated; and Qing Ji Jing, tea flavor of ERU, is meditation; for the convenient method, the Franciscans were numerous, is wisdom. Taste zen. What is it the heart of tea,? Chat with the friends of the drug case, the more not calm. Tea, with quiet my heart.


人生是一条七彩路,也是一首悲喜歌,简单一点,洒脱一点,生存就是点滴的融入。既然人生不能达到极致的完美,那就留一点残缺给岁月去回味,打开围城的豁口,让阳光照进来,给生命无限的张力和从容。Life is a colorful way, is also a sad song, simple, free and easy point, into life is little. Since life can not reach the acme of perfection, leave a little incomplete for the years to finish, open the siege of gap, let the sun shine in, to the infinite life of tension and calm.


生活是一首美妙动听的歌,我们要学会欣赏。生活是一艘扬帆远航的船,我们要学会驾驶。生活是一首豪壮抒情的诗,我们要学会朗诵。生活是一幅五彩缤纷的图画,我们要学会鉴赏。生活是一本丰富多彩的书,我们要学会阅读。Life is a beautiful song, we must learn to appreciate. Life is a boat sailing ship, we have to learn to drive. Life is a song of poetic lyric poetry, we must learn to read. Life is a colorful picture, we must learn to appreciate. Life is a rich and colorful book, we must learn to read.


人生的故事里,岁月的旅途中,总有些相逢,没有惊艳的开场,没有动听的告白,却已然刻进生命的脉络;总有些情意,携着花香而来,带着清气而往,芬芳着光阴的每一道掌纹,清新着岁月的每一次心跳。Life story, years journey, some meet, not amazing opening, no sweet confession, but already carved into life in the context of; total some affection, with flowers, with clear air and to, the fragrance of time each a palmprint, fresh years a heartbeat.


运动中,岁月静好,许你安然。自信中,月白风清,赐你晴天。天寒地冷尚可变,心寒意冷难挽回。规则不会因你而改变,日月不会因你而裹足。灵性是登天的梯,悟性是遮雨的伞。行进中,掬一池清水,洒向大地,一季的清爽带来淡淡的香,萦绕在你的旅程。Movement, the years quiet good, make you safe. Confident, beautiful night, give you a sunny day. The cold cold is variable, chilling cold Italy difficult to restore. The rule will not change because of you, the moon and the moon will not be wrapped in your feet. Is the spiritual ladder, understanding is the umbrella. Traveling in a pool of water, sprinkle to the earth, a refreshing season brings faint fragrance, lingering in your journey.


秋晨的天空是雾霭的,无论从初秋到深秋,日日相伴,天天常新,雾霭总是由淡变浓,由浅入深,甚至灰白一片,笼盖四野,让人自行琢磨,并快速地向冬天挺进,形成大雾迷蒙,风雪交加,冰霜凝聚。Autumn morning, the sky is the mist, whether from early autumn to late autumn, daily companion, every day new and mist is always from light thickens, easy to digest, even a gray film, enclothe Shino, let a person self pondering, and quickly to march into the winter, the formation of the misty fog, snowy day, ice cream condensate.


汗水,曾经挥洒着桃村这片沃土,多彩的军营,富有诸多七彩的人生,吃苦耐劳,宽宏大量,拼搏进取,千锤百炼。战友情谊,根深蒂固,经得起狂风暴雨的侵袭,犹如那屹立不倒的碑文石柱,飒爽英姿,心比天高。Sweat, once artificial peach village this piece of fertile land, barracks and colorful, full of many colorful life, bear hardships and stand hard work, generous, hardworking and enterprising, tempered. Comradeship, deep-rooted, storms can withstand the invasion, like the diametre of stone inscriptions, valiant and heroic and ambition.


午后的阳光炙烤着大地,我看见一片金黄色的海洋。微风拂过,空气中弥漫着丰收的气息。这里,没有闪烁的霓虹灯,只有那阵阵知了和青蛙的鸣叫。没有一排排像列兵般的路灯,只有一轮明月或点点繁星。这里,远离尘嚣,宁静平和。这里没有城市的繁荣与华丽,但同样不失精彩。The afternoon sun baked the earth, I saw a golden sea. The breeze blows, the air is filled with the harvest of breath. Here, no neon lights, only the cicadas and frogs singing bursts. No rows like a private street, only the moon or stars. Here, away from the hubbub, quiet and peaceful. There is no citys prosperity and gorgeous, but the same is not lost.


疏疏篱落,醉不知,身是客?曼舞轻歌,一晌幕落,红粉朱唇,夜半为谁而歌?红妆半裹,演绎着世间因果;翘袖楚腰,轻旋着缘起缘落。舞袖舒广青衣薄,院落独自寂寞。风过,我愿轻叩你柴扉小门,执子之手,听子戏说。Sparsely fencing, not drunk, who is off? Manwu light song, while the red lips, midnight for whom? In half, the interpretation of the causal world; Alice cuff around the light Chu waist, the origin edge off. Dance Shu Guang Yi thin, lonely courtyard. The wind, I would like to tap your gate door, hold hands, listen to their children.


春日晨光吻大地,万物匆生不留时。上有微风亲拂颊,下有百花萦其身。遥想昔日苍穹,碧波映天,百湖照月,芳香飘处无行足之印,绿水流地无楼宇之筑。然雁过留浪,时过境迁,望今世之浮华,滚石之地居百丈之遥,流车之行占万里河山。故而曰:吾思古时之乐为上上乐哉!Spring morning kissed the earth, not all students do not stay at. A breeze blowing kiss cheek, there are flowers entangles the body. Back to its former sky, blue sky, Braun Teruzuki, at the foot of the fragrant floating no seal, no building of building green water flow. The geese had left the waves, the passage of time, at present the flashy, rolling stone of Ju Baizhang flow away, car trip for miles heshan. The club said: I think the ancient music for the last happy!


说到枫树,中年的读者当会忆起大陆的红叶,唐诗的读者当会吟起“红叶晚萧萧,长亭酒一瓢”的名句。美国中西部的枫树,却是黄叶。风起时,满城枫落,落无边无际的枫叶,下一季的黄雨。人行秋色之中,脚下踩的,发上戴的,肩上似有意无意飘坠的,莫非明艳的金黄与黄金。秋色之来,充塞乎天地之间。中秋节后,万圣节前,秋色一层浓似一层。到万圣节秋已可怜,不久女巫的扫帚,将扫尽遍地的落枫,圣诞老人的白髯,遂遮暗一九六年的冬阳了。When it comes to maple, middle-aged readers when will remember, red leaves, Tang poetry readers when will start to sing "red late Xiaoxiao, Changting wine poured" famous. The Midwest is the maple leaves. When the wind blows, Mancheng Maple falls, falls boundless maple leaf, the next season of the Yellow rain. For the autumn, under your feet, hair worn on the shoulder, like the golden fall naturally or half unconsciously, and gold is bright. The autumn, with between the heaven and the earth. The Mid Autumn Festival, Halloween, like a thick layer of autumn. Halloween to autumn have been poor, near the witchs broom, sweep as everywhere falling maple, white bearded Santa Claus, hence obscures the 196 years of winter sun.


相知是情,相知是意,相知是相濡以沫的爱恋,相知是牵手到老的承诺,让相知的花结出倾情的果,让倾情的果使你我流出感动的眼泪,最后,再让感动的眼泪让你我站在天之涯、海之角深情地互相等待,让“相知遇见唯美了等待”成为一句永不可改的爱的誓言!Friend is the friend is the meaning, the bosom friend is Xiangruyimo love, knowing each other is in hand to the old promises, let bosom flowers bear fruit leans the sentiment, let inclination of fruit you I outflow touched tears. Finally, let touched tears let you I stand at the end of the world, the sea of angle affectionately waiting for each other, let the friend met beautiful waiting "has become a word never love oath!
